Compile Analytical Network Simulator


If any of the below steps fail, please make sure you have properly installed all required dependencies.


You can compile the analytical network simulator as a standalone binary through CMake.

1$ mkdir build
2$ cd build
3$ cmake ..
4$ cmake --build . --config=Release -j$(nproc)

Additional Options

Build in Debug Mode

You can pass --config=Debug in line 4 of the compilation to compile binary in a debug mode, which enables assertions and debugger usage.

4$ cmake --build . --config=Debug -j$(nproc)

Compilation Target

If you want to compile a specific analytical network simulator, you can pass the -DBUILDTARGET=<target> option at line 3 when using CMake. Currently, the target could be congestion_unaware or congestion_aware. The default option is all.

3$ cmake .. -DBUILDTARGET=congestion_unaware