
The latency field defines the latency of each (uni-directional) link in ns.


The simulator deems 1 s as 10^9 ns.

Example network latency configuration

In the first example above, we have a bi-directional link, where each uni-directional link latency is 10 ns. This can be captured in the .yml representation as below.

latency: [ 10.0 ]  # ns

In the second example, a 2D topology is shown. The 1st dim has a bi-directional link whose uni-directional latency is 200 ns. Likely, the 2nd dim leverages bi-directional links, whose uni-directional link latency is 1600 ns. This can be captured in the .yml format as below:

latency: [ 200.0, 1600.0 ]  # ns